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Synchronize Drives

rsync is the simplest way to synchronize two drives.

Can't remember where to sync to/from? leave notes in with the specific commands used.

I forget... do I keep a slash at the end? or does that cause it to be in a subdirectory.

If the destination directory exists, keep a slash at the end of the source directory. If the destination does not already exist, keeping a slash at the source directory will result in everything in source being placed in the main directory of the destination, which may not be what you want.

Comparisons / Diff

To compare two directories:

diff -q directory-1/ directory-2/
diff -q directory-1/ directory-2/

or recurse into subdirectories:

diff -qr directory-1/ directory-2/
diff -qr directory-1/ directory-2/



There is also a utility called meld. Haven't tried that yet. Notes?

sudo apt install meld
sudo apt install meld